What do you wish you had done differently? How would you spend your last day? What is something you would have still wanted to do?
I would stuff my face with all the food I love, listen to a few records that are near and dear to me, and say goodbye to my friends and family. I don't think I'd have time for much else.
I spend a large portion of my day thinking about what I will eat, or what I will cook in an effort to minimize waste and to build off of leftovers if possible. I'm in a phase of my life where I'm working on setting myself up for bigger and better things, so a lot of what I'm doing has to do with building on things day by day. If I knew it would be my last day, I'd cut all of that out immediately and then spend a bit of time convincing a friend or two to go on a ramble with me until it ends. I have no idea what could happen and that's what appeals to me. I think for me, my 20's have taught me the value of living like that and as I approach 30, I'm learning more about creating stability in order to lead a life of greater depth (I hope). As for something I'd like to do, I've always wanted to go skydiving, but I hear that can be one of those things one has to plan in advance.
I would spend every moment. Every single moment! With my daughter and wife.
Wow. Not sure what I was expecting from this thread, but til it's the little things in life... I would have wished I'd spent more time travelling and learning new things and spent less time on the internet. I guess I would spend my last day with family and friends, eating and having a good time.
I would've called off work and spent the day fucking, smoking, drinking, and eating. I would also call my family members and let them know I loved them. Edit: And I would bequeath my tax return to my friends. Family? That's what I have life insurance for.
Is the question like, if tomorrow (it's night right now) was my last day? Or like, some day in the future in which I can plan for? If it's today/tomorrow. There's not much I would/could do differently. There's not really anything I want to do or say to anyone that I can get done in a day. I think I'd go for a walk, grab some 5 guys, and I dunno. Just chill I guess. If it's some day in the future, I'd start preparations to leave the country, and then fly out to Japan and spend my last day there. Just exploring and soaking in the local culture. One day isn't really enough to do everything I want, and most stuff still takes preparation and planning (which I'm in the middle of currently).
Very difficult question. I would probably call my parents, brother, sister-in-law, and niece. Probably cook a decent meal, and go for an easy run. Play some guitar? It's tough - if not impossible - to really what'd really be going on in your head in that situation. Fun to think about though.