>Not only is it not illegal/immoral to post a picture of a receipt online Didn't say it was or wasn't legal or moral, just said it was unprofessional. >being a company that does support douches is a bad thing. Seems to be working fine for Tap-Out, Hurley, and Monster energy drinks. I hope you realize that no matter how you or I feel about "douches", douches are still a market and still spend their money same as anyone else. You don't want to alienate a demographic over one employee. In this case the fact that the person was a pastor, regardless of being a douche or not, probably would have caused quite a stir in the media and religious communities had Applebees took the side of the employee. It's just business. I would have done the same thing to avoid any heat against my bottom line as well. Personal quests for making points and standing up for things isn't always a bet you want to hedge with your company brand name. Again, I don't like douches either, but most businesses still don't mind taking their money. Ever been to club on a weekend night? PS: I keep using the > for quoting line but obviously that's not how it works here, what do you use to markup for quoting someone and indenting it like you did?
I think the 3 of us are having a similar but disjointed conversation: http://hubski.com/pub?id=67557 To quote use this method | quote | but put them up against the word on either side. Hope that helps. Edit: you should see markup link at top right of comment box