No, no, see, they were cooperating. They were shocked - shocked, I tell you - that a firm with access to their data would act so nefariously (in 2015) so they rushed over there right away to investigate (something they knew about in 2015). I've heard rumors that Zuck was so appalled by this (three year old) totally-not-a-breach of user data that he's been unable to speak to any authorities.Update on March 19, 2018, 3:25 PM PT: Independent forensic auditors from Stroz Friedberg were on site at Cambridge Analytica’s London office this evening. At the request of the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, which has announced it is pursuing a warrant to conduct its own on-site investigation, the Stroz Friedberg auditors stood down.
FB's chief of IT security resigned yesterday. Apparently not because he is the one being scapegoated, but because he's been arguing for greater cooperation and transparency in the Russia-Trump investigation. They basically fired his ass because he's the one person at that shithole company who stood up and said maybe let's try doing the right thing for once??? Edit: Just saw that you posted that elsewhere. Read the chatter before you speak, b_b!