I made blankets! They're the same (Side a and side B below), though one is slightly pinched in one corner, first time I have ever sewn anything and they're for my sisters and their (as yet unborn) babies. Mum took them on the plane to Oz, Sister A loves hers and is going to have the baby any moment now, while Sister B gets hers in a few weeks, baby due soon too. Whilst she's out there I am caring for my grandad and the boys have joined me a few times, got a really sweet photo of them playing checkers before I had a go and got thoroughly stomped, boo!
I messed it up beyond repair. Basically both my square cuts and my stitches were too sloppy so by the time the 2 inch squares got sewed together to make 4 inch squares, everything was askew. I'm gonna try again, but at the moment I'm tied up with other things. I picked up drawing this past week though . . . which I'm awful at cause I literally haven't drawn anything in about fifteen years, but it's fun and a great way to kill some time in front of the TV.