Just got my mechanical keyboard (quickfire TK) which delivers the best experience I have encountered on a keyboard; makes coding and writing a joy. Apart from that, concerning my actual life, I've finally escaped idleness. I am going to - cut out sugars and drink more water - stretch and foam roll every morning and night - Run 5-10 miles a day - Start doing bodyweight exercises - Meditating before going to sleep - Keep a journal (record) of what I've been up to and what I plan to accomplish - Finish a book every week (Currently reading Zizek if anyone likes him) Besides that, I'm going, firstly meeting with my dad on Friday who will be around a month sober (and thankfully he has agreed to keep going on), and then with him to go to a store in upstate NY to see if it would be a good investment. Being backed up into a corner where I have to support the people around me is exhausting.