For example, there was recently a video on /r/videos of some asian woman giving a speech about some racism she faced, and where she mentions it as a less of "Black people can be racist too" and the reaction to it should go unsaid among the protesters. However, watching the video in context, that person's story was absolutely out of context, and in the background someone says "This is why we need this space, so these conversations can happen, if we agree or disagree with them". Which really changed my perspective on what happened, turning that group from unreasonable idiots to a decently reasonable protest, although I still have a suspicion of this "space" not being too open to "all discussion", I am much more willing to support their protests as a result of watching the whole video and learning the whole context. Especially considering that, after the one group tried to stop recording, the "concerned students group" told everyone "let people record, don't stop them"