I read the whole thing and it's really only tangentially related to reddit, but literally nothing can prevent me from voting for someone faster than saying they're "reddit's president."
Using reddit for judging others is like using The Brothers Karamazov for judging 18th century Russian inheritance law and homicide jurisprudence. Reddit is anything anyone needs it to be. Reddit is the internet's rule 34 generator. Reddit is the 21st century Hamlet.If he's honest, he'll steal; if he's human, he'll murder; if he's faithful, he'll deceive.
This would be true if Yglesias didn't specifically mention /r/politics, known for its race-baiting and Muslim hate. To quote someone I was talking with about this:It's like saying "So, I take the pulse of the contemporary political climate by polling the local college freshman. Who would have thought, but weed, boobs on TV and more free stuff are really hot button issues!"