As a kid, this little shit haunted me through the streets of Egypt for many many months. Recently, the Evil Dead remake didn't...scare me, per say, but man that shit was intense. My heart-rate was still up long after we'd left the movie. Tangibly related edit: FUCK JUMPSTART FOURTH GRADE. This absolutely terrified me as a kid. I STILL avoid watching it, all I did was quickly copy and paste the youtube link. Nightmare fuel. I just skipped it and went to Jumpstart 5th grade. Jumpstart 5th grade was my shit, tho. I did play JS 4th Grade when I was like 6, so that might have something to do with it.
Preach on Chuckie, man. Like b_b, I was like, 6 when I saw it, and I was afraid of that guy until one day after moving to a new house, I had a dream where I confronted him in the basement. He was trying to take me down and I choked the fucker with my longer arms Epic struggle ensued (as it only can in dreams) and I managed to conquer my foe (and my fear). After that, no more fear of Chuckie.