WHY DO YOU HAVE TO HURT ME SO CASUALLY we were even all set to agree on somethingThis blivet here is sort of like reading some random reference to Radegast in the Simarillon or however you say it and thinking it's representative of Lord of the Rings.
Yikes! Well, it certainly wasn't my intent. Apologies. I was going with: And elaborating on why it's such an "odd piece." If I were trying to explain the October Revolution and eventual Iran-Contra scandal, this is decidedly not the segment of history - nor the perspective - I would start from. That's all.Huh. This was an odd piece. It started really micro and then ... never particularly went macro, except for this:
That 'Simarillon' you dismiss so cruelly is my favorite piece of writing in the history of the English language. Defending it from scorn is one of my main goals in life. Anyway yeah. I seem to recall in the past Guernica has done some really good stuff, but this was a weird read.