I finally got around to making some mead today, after about 15 years. Simple recipe. 4 liters honey, 2 kg frozen blueberries, add water to make 20 liters. I first poured the blueberries into the sanitised carboy. Next time I think I'll run them through the blender instead; it was a PITA, because of the narrow neck of the carboy.
Sanitised a 20 L (5 gallon) plastic pail, and mixed the honey and about 7-8 liters of water in it. Once it was well-mixed, poured that in the carboy, topped it up with water to the 20L mark, gave it a good shake to mix it up, and then pitched the yeast. Safale S04, a strong fermenting ale yeast. I expect vigourous bubbling through the airlock by morning.
Turned out to be about eight and a half liters of honey. I've packed 3 liters into 12 little 250 mL jars for gifts, 4 liters for the mead, and the rest is for the whanau.
Oh yeah, I felt like Pooh, because after I was done making the mead, and potting up the last of the honey, which was in a 20 L bucket - I sat down, and I slowly wiped it clean with my finger, eating honey the way it was meant to be eaten - like Pooh does. Sweet as.