Do any of you know of examples when actual warfare between two classes has occurred as a direct result of increased taxation on the wealthy?
I’m curious what the GOP think this phrase can do for them? I can only guess that its design is to confuse the electorate much like the phrase ”death panels” during the Healthcare debate. Unfortunately, it’s always about marketing and rarely about solutions.
There’s a great line in the movie “The American President” when Kirk Douglas’ (President Shepherd) gives his big speech at the end and says… “We have serious problems to solve and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you Bob Rumson (GOP) isn’t the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only, making you afraid of it and telling you who is to blame for it. That ladies and gentleman, is how you win elections” –I for one, hope President Obama can do as effective of a job in calling out the “Bob Rumson’s” of the moment.
Here is the link to the speech from the movie:
As an aside: At the end of the speech he references a bill to congress about cutting emissions to solve the “global warming crisis”. –This was 1995, can you believe we still have people in politics that refuse to believe it is occurring?
[edit] the actor is Michael Douglas, not Kirk Douglas