Room for some intelligent NFL discussion in Hubski?
I'm not a Tebow fan. I think the kid is a third-string wide receiver, RB, or maybe a linebacker, but definitely not a quarterback. But as a person, I think the challenges he's faced as a Jet have matured him, and the rumor that he let sour grapes prompt him to refuse a spot on the field in the Jets' wildcat offense is almost certainly bullshit. If you can say anything about Tim Tebow as a football player, it's that he's always willing to get out there and play. Calling him "as phony as a three-dollar bill" is a ridiculous criticism to levy when there are numerous legitimate criticisms that can be aimed at Tebow's playing style. ESPN is just embarrassed that they bought into Tebow hype before he actually got on the field, and they're kicking his ass harder than it needs to be kicked to make up for it.
Hated him as a Bronco, and I completely believe that he was furious at not getting a permanent starting spot his first year in the NFL. But he doesn't seem to have the same outlandish expectations today, and, to be fair, those expectations were fueled by the media. He's not the showboating, press-craving rookie that he was here in Denver. He's continued his charity work even after it stopped attracting press attention. He's played where he was told to play and done his best, even knowing it wasn't going to be good enough for his team, his fans, or sports commentators.
No other backup QB in the league attracts either the love or the hate that Tebow does. I was on team "put a muzzle on that obnoxious prat" last year, but now that he's proven his ability to sit down, shut up, listen to the coach and play ball, I'm on team "leave Tebow alone and let him grow up."