Today my Hubski stickers arrived! A big thank you for mk. Unfortunately, I do not have a photo camera (until I transform my raspberry pi into one that is), so photos will be infrequent.
But, when I asked myself with what my first picture of the stickers would be, I found a big bag with kruidnoten on my desk (there is no english word for this treat, all I can say is that they are delicious). Now let me explain. Kruidnoten, along with other candy, are supposed to only be sold and eaten in the period that saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) is in the country. The holiday Sinterklaas is similar to Christmas in the US. Presents are bought and given while the children are blissfully kept in the dark. On the night of 5 December Sinterklaas and his black peters go and deliver presents for all the children who haven't been naughty. The naughty children go with Sinterklaas to Spain. I have included a video to show what I am talking about
Now my question: What holidays do you have in your country/region which are typical for your county/region?