I cant wait till we know the real story behind this coup, because every step is more improbable than the next.
Why a coup beside for dethroning Putin, then who paid Prigozhin?
Why stop 24h later?
How is Progozhin still alive after a failed coup against Putin?
Is he really in Belarus? Then why come back to Russia just to take a few of his weapons ?
Now those funny pics
edit 11/07/23; https://www.businessinsider.com/wagner-fighter-defected-to-russia-army-calls-prigozhin-cocky-idiot-2023-7?r=US&IR=T
if he is a massive idiot, all of that can make sense: He really though he can control Russia with a coup. He forgot to hide his family. Putin find the idiot less dangerous alive than dead. And he really is attached to his weapon and wanted them back. But this kind of idiocy is hardly believable and can only be matched by the sort of Elon musk