Question If you get to a point in life where you think that concerning yourself with the politics or news of the day is not worth your time, have you become complacent or have you come to a justifiable realization?
We are in the midst of a global pandemic, we had what many would consider an attempted coup in the US, Russia just made an act of war against what is effectively the West. Climate change is undeniably impacting the earth, billionaires are going to space in giant cock shaped rockets, we will likely be on Mars in the next decade. Crypto, AI, quantum computing.... etc.
Oh to be the Sentinelese who know nothing of any of these things
But, I do know about these things, and my chief concern is my family. My friends and family. Beyond those specific people I care about all other humans equally. I don't think a US life is worth more or less than a Swedish one, a Senagolese one etc. I think some in my country would think I was less American for saying that, but it's how I feel. And it's fundamentally true.
The whole system is set up around tribalism. What is interesting to me is that the Tribes are no longer just nationalistic/ethnic. They're class driven. I guarantee there are a bunch of extremely wealthy people concerned about Russian sanctions that aren't Russian. This entire geopolitical system is pretty fucked up because of tribalism.
That said, I think we are approaching a time when citizenship is going to seem weird. I feel like "The World is my Home" -shoutout to James Michener's great book.
It seems weird to me that when I travel to England, France etc. I have to present a passport. I feel like I have every right to visit every inch of this globe without some meddling bureaucracy. Everyone does.
We are humans. We are collective stewards of the earth. We have no excuse to not come together and overcome all tribalisms. We can do it. But it's gonna take people like me not rationalizing walking away from the battle.
Okay.... I guess I'm still in. I'm gonna fight. I'm never gonna stop fighting. Fuck that. Never.
Thanks for reading this. I'm extremely stoned. Never take edibles, but damn....
Goodnight Hubski.