Not quite what I expected to find in my inbox from the ACM this morning:
This article is one attempt at this task. It argues the well-publicized social ills of computing will not go away simply by integrating ethics instruction or codes of conduct into computing curricula. The remedy to these ills instead lies less in philosophy and more in fields such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, communications, and political science.
This is the natural consequence of the engineering model that computing curricula seems to inhabit. That is, the belief there is so much computing and mathematics content to be learned that there is no room for anything else. As a result, we normalized the belief that the world is irrelevant next to computing precisely through the structure of our curriculum. It is sometimes said that workers of organizations adopt a world view that is a reflection of the organizational structure of their workplace. Our students do so as well, except in this case, it's their academic discipline's organization. This is a problem though that we can fix ... or at the very least make an attempt at doing it better.