been thinking a lot about WW3 lately since my boyfriend texted me "WW3 is happening but it's fine cause neither of us will be drafted" at 11:02pm last night
what do you think, resident thought daddies (thaddies) of hubski, because my gut instinct says zoot out of fucking around with another Middle Eastern country but i'm also someone that temporarily renamed my teddy bear "george bush" because bushes are green and my bear was green (sorry bear-bear, i realized my mistake soon) so i guess i'm just scared that things are gonna escalate again
lies are everywhere now, if people try to drum up an iraq-style pretext for invasion i don't see how it could turn out any different than iraq did
my original title for this post was "Is an international hegemonic power the best bet we have to avoiding large-scale, "World War 3"-type conflict?" but i think i've wandered slightly - regardless, i realize that what happens if we pull out of the international political gangbang is just "somebody else takes our spot" but is that enough of a reason for me to to not go all "america first" when it comes to situations like this because i have no confidence in the people making foreign policy decisions in regards to being competent or not being physical manifestations of the devil
does this always need to be happening? i'm privileged enough that i can shelter down, but my friends and people i love aren't and the way things are going i can't see everybody getting through without being fucked over