"Technology doesn’t allow us to escape these questions – it doesn’t permit political neutrality. The contrary is true. It determines that our politics have never been more important. Savulescu is right when he says radical technologies are coming. He is wrong in thinking they will fix our morality. They will reflect it."
I think this is the true point, and one which constantly gets glossed over, because each one thinks (especially the AI-practitioners themselves -- you know who you are Yann LeCun and Oren Etzioni and Peter Voss and Ben Goertzel and others) that their version of AI is the only thing... No, in fact it's a holy mess, a giant cocktail of humanity, some good, some neutral, and some monstrously evil -- and with the small size of our planet (silly but true) the evil versions of AI will overcome the very good plethora of useful forms of AI. We will absolutely reflect our humanity -- and that, unfortunately, is very dystopian. And AI practitioners cannot see it at all -- they think that all is kosher and aboveboard, until it suddenly isn't at all, but it will be too late.