printIf auto mechanics were web devs
by Fuzzwah
Ma'am, you're website is in dire need of repair. Some jackass used tables and the markup was like a motherfuton sewer, but we waded through. We found out that your divs are collapsing. They haven't collapsed yet, but as you can imagine, once the divs go, it really starts to effect your rendering and functionality. But before we can get to those divs, we have to replace your floats. To be honest, they're sinking. You're floats are sinking, and they're going to bring the divs down with them. I can not stress this enough, they are sinking, and sinking fast. The double margin that your browser is misinterpreting is going to cause your container to explode and the entire contents of your site are going to be strewn across your body. Don't worry, the html will still contain them all, so you won't lose them, but as you can see, before we get to those divs, we must address these sinking floats.