Then we get into Waco where the police used an armored vehicle to end the 51 day seige.
We can also talk about the over militarization of the civilian police force, but that conversation won't happen. We can also talk about how the war on drugs ramped up the siege mentality of police agencies in inner cities during the 80's and 90's.
I now, through a twist of fate, have cop acquaintances. Sort of weirds me out to think about it. Mention Community Policing and you can see the rectums constrict. But as I see it from where I sit, unless there is a push to demilitarize, teach de-escallation as a first response, push community policing to make the cops a part of the neighborhoods and end the war on drugs, this nonsense is going to continue.
Sadly, a lot of people are going to get killed before anything changes. On both sides.