I must say, I have been gradually drifting from a close knitted circle of friends and haven't been feeling better for a long time since.
It´s like leaving a bad relationship that's not working, your glad it happened as its a relief to your mental state but also kind of sad it had to happen.
oh well, I had time to think about what had happened and so on and I know it was a right decision. Off to find new friends I guess.
The negative thing thing about this is that those wore my only close friends I had. And the big downside of it is that if it does not work out, you're on your own for a while. (knowing me as not being the social type, it will be a long time until I find new people I can trust, and get close to.)
I'm the type that enjoys being alone and have few friends. So the loneliness is not that big of a shock, but someone to talk with is always nice. A lone wolf you could say ;)
Anyway, just wanted to get it all out and Hubski seems appropriate. Stay cool Hubksi.