The facts:
Donald Trump was given by his father one million dollars. He since then has flipped that one million into ten billion dollars throughout his life time.
Mr. Trump is a hard worker, he's not lazy and has worked with hard hats, union labor during the construction of his hotels and other businesses. He has a great relationship with the American worker.
Trump has a sum total of 150 businesses under his belt, only 4 of them went under. I don't know about you but I like those odds.
Mr. Trump is a gambler, he's always looking for ways to improve himself and his businesses. He doesn't mind taking chances and he wants to take a chance on America.
Mr. Trump has an I.Q of 156 (beyond 99.98% of the worlds population), if he becomes President he will be the highest in intelligences than any Presidents before him.
Donald Trump LOVES America and her people.
Americans work harder and longer than any other country in the world. Mr. Trump believes if we can channel that effort and endurance in the right places, America can be better than it ever was before.
Donald Trump is not part of the establishment, nor any secret society. This is one of the reasons why some from his own Republican party hates him. He can't be bought nor controlled and only works for the American peoples interest.
Donald Trump is a moderate Christian, this doesn't mean he will continue to let Christians be abused in America or around the world.
Donald Trump knows America is getting screwed over by deals from such places as China, Japan, Vietnam, and Mexico. These awful trade deals will stop when Mr. Trump becomes President. Instead, these trade deals will work for our interest.
Donald Trump promise to bring back jobs into the US, improve the US economy and overall better the American way of life.
Mr. Trump has stated he does not hate Muslims but only wants to put a freeze on the foreign exchange of Muslims entering the country until we are perfectly clear that no terrorist are let in.
Donald Trump wants to get rid of common core and bring education down to the local level.
Donald Trump loves women, boy does he love women. He has employed more women in the workforce than any current candidate running.
Mr. Trump wants to build that big beautiful wall on the border of the US and Mexico lines so to stop the flood of illegal criminals and cartel drugs that enter our country on a daily bases.
Donald Trump loves America and is tired of seeing it in it's current state. The Donald wants to bring back jobs to all Americans, better healthcare plan for all Americans and see every American prosper in this beloved country. Donald Trump wants to make America great again and he needs your help to do it. So be sure you go out and vote for the next President for the New America, Yours and Donald Trumps America!
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