POSTED ~ 0100 UTC 20150813
SEE HUBNOMIC 0 POSTED BY hubnomic (and follow that entity)
1.1 This game shall be called hubnomic
1.2 users following #hubnomic are players and posts are not to contain any other tag
1.3 if a reset is called and a two thirds majority ratifies it the game reverts to the state of ruleset hubnomic 1
1.4 rules in a ruleset must be concise enough to warrant statement without multiple sentences, though a ruleset may contain as many rules as needed
Rules 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 are immutable and irrevocable as the founding ruleset of this game. Good luck! This post is not bound by rule 1.2 just 'cuz.
edit: added post time, ruleset name, hubnomic 0, hubnomic, AND:
General consensus will determine Ruleset 2 concerning voting, ratification and proposition of new rulesets within the next 48 hours.