Mild spoilers for Jurassic World
One of the side plot points in Jurassic World is about how InGen wants to weaponise Velociraptors. This would in fact be a terrible idea. The closest thing the film has to villain is an InGen employee who in every scene we are reminded we are meant to dislike in his role as an embodiment of InGen's corporate philosophy. He doesn't respect the raptors and ultimately sees them as a weapon or a tool, a means to end. It's telling that the this generation's Jurassic Park/World' chooses the military industrial complex as it's particular flavour of hubris when delivering the "human's are the real monsters" message.
This stands in contrast to the previous Jurassic films. In Jurassic Park, the park is specifically compromised by corporate espionage and a vulnerability created by over-dependence on computer software (and the staff that maintain it). This reflects the fears of the time (in a generation where we were over scared of hackers getting into our mainframe.
Actually come to think about it, the real problem in Jurassic world is that in chasing guest attendance and satisfaction metrics the park has "taken science too far" by "playing God" in a far more excessive measure than previous films . Raptors would be terrible weapons which is sort of eventually revealed by the film but not in the way we're told, rather because they're everything you don't wan't in a war zone. In short, corporations are bad, science is bad, the military is bad; the motor cycle riding, dinosaur-fearing, gets-the-girl-in-the-end rebel portrayed by Chris Pratt is good (also children they're good too).