printScientists improved efficiency of making hydrogen
by DancingDirty7
Haotian discovered that nickel-iron oxide is a world-record performing material that can catalyze both the hydrogen and the oxygen reaction, Cui said. “No other catalyst can do this with such great performance.”
"By improving both OER and HER activities, the galvanostatic cycling method successfully elevates the efficiency of water-splitting electrolyzer at 10 mA cm−2 current to 81.5% using only one material, making good preparations for the scale-up of water photolysis/electrolysis with high efficiency and low cost. Synthesizing catalysts on conducting substrates can maximally reduce the use of carbon additives and also get rid of polymer binders, which enables high-current operations (circumvent bubble-releasing problems introduced by the hydrophobic nature of carbon) and also performs superior stabilities. In addition, the successful demonstration of the Li conversion reaction method in improving water-splitting catalysis may help to inspire the improvements of other important TMOs applications including oxygen reduction reactions, supercapacitors, carbon dioxide reductions and so on."