[Tulpamancy](www.Tulpa.info) is an internet phenomenon that, to put it simply, is the process of creating another creature inside a "tulpamancer's" head. The Tulpa can be thought towards in the same way that you would speak to someone, and will say things that the creator would not do or doesn't expect. Many people take this to mean that the tulpas are sentient and think for themselves. There are a variety of reasons one may create a tulpa, and they generally act as a lifelong friend to the host. It should be noted that a Tulpa is not usually malicious unless it was created to be malicious, and the host is always in control. Many tulpamancer's also create a mindscape known by the community as a wonderland in which they interact with their tulpa, though some more advanced hosts go as far as to place a hallucination of their tulpa in the real world instead. I strongly suggest that you read over the website I linked so that you are not ignorant towards the subject.
Do you think this is ethical? Is it okay to create a Tulpa that is based on a TV show, book, or other media? Is it okay to have multiple tulpas? Please, share your thoughts on this strange concept!