I didn't see any #creepy tag, so I thought I'd try here.
Edit: Thanks for the stories!
Edit: Okay, I'll share one of my own :") Real life story!
I like taking my dog on walks at night, and as I was taking my usual route up the hill, turning right onto another path...I didn't notice anything unusual. It was nice out, indigo sky, nice breeze on a summer night--nice. But when I turned my back, and was walking to go onto another path to continue my walk, I see this "dark figure" a long ways ahead of me. It's in quotation marks because often times, that "dark figure" is a shadow of a light post/tree.
I didn't think anything of it and continued going on, but more cautious of what's happening. My dog wasn't freaking out, or alert, so that relaxed me a bit.
But when i slowed down my pace, it still kept going forwards. When I quicken my steps, it was still moving at the same rate, and I thought, "Oh no...ohnoohnoohno..." I was becoming more freaked out because that thing was swaying, and the arms were moving in an erratic manner around itself. We were the only ones on the entire street. The cars on the busy street were too far away to witness what will happen in this dark end street. Now, it was about ten feet in front of me. It was still swaying, silent, arms moving around itself in a stupor. My heart was racing. I didn't want to look at it in case it jumped out at me, or had eyes that were uncommonly colored (red, white, yellow, etc). I didn't want to have that image ingrained in my brain.
Five feet. Three feet. My dog still isn't freaked out/on alert, and now I'm worried. I can now see them in the poorly lit, orange lighting, "Crap," I thought, "I'm going to be traumatized."
Lo, and behold, it was an elderly lady that lives in my neighborhood doing stretches/exercises. We passed by each other with no trouble, and I finish my walk with my dog. Yup. Just someone stretching their back, and not some broken puppet demon. All went well the rest of the night.