Can you recognize these classics by the nouns that appear in them most? The lists below are the ten most frequently used common nouns, in descending order, from the following titles.
Aesop's Fables
Candide by Voltaire
Discourse on the Method by Descartes
The Iliad by Homer
The New Testament
The Old Testament
The Republic by Plato
Tales of the Brothers Grimm
(1) fox lion man wolf day time mouse ass way dog
(2) man son ships spear horses hand gods armour battle city
(3) god man things lord son men father day spirit heaven
(4) king man time day home father door wife mother head
(5) lord god king son people house man land children day
(6) man state life justice soul nature knowledge truth things world
(7) man woman world country master day baron people sheep captain
(8) order being things time reason heart others nature blood truth