I agree and I don't agree. Or more accurately I agree but have lots of doubts.
Like, everything about this is screaming 'outlier'.
What I find so worrying about these sorts of movements, I think, is that they so casually dismiss everything learned in school as pointless or irrelevant -- "Day after day I sat, compelled to repeat and recite, and little of it seemed to have any bearing beyond the vacuum of the classroom." Now, in my experience that's bullshit. It's wrong and a little bit simple-minded. I learned a million things a day in school. Sure, not always at a quick pace, but in toto I now know a damn lot about history, physics, literature, biology, chemistry, economics ... I just don't buy the idea that going to school is worthless. I respect the classical education. Yeah, I don't know how to find wild onions -- not my fault, I tried, the Boy Scouts sucks -- but christ. I could figure it out if I wanted to. Maybe I will someday.
I don't mean to say that what we have is that great; that would directly contradict things I have said on hubski before. But it's not a waste of time.