This is in response to an idea hatched by thenewgreen in his first line thread. So, can you tell a story contained in one paragraph (ish)?
He remembered the first cigarette of the day like he remembered the tooth his tongue now searched the socket of; the tooth now somewhere beyond the galaxies of light surging toward him from thousands of distant flashbulbs. Outside of thought, he felt his muscles bunch, slacken and recoil as his right glove smashed the orbital bone of the other guy looking for a payday, looking for a way to keep the lights on, looking to make those critical eyes glow with appreciation. "Couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag," that stung. Most people couldn't appreciate the humble paper bag's capacity for metaphor, nor its ability to wrap its way around a life just as easily as it could be thrown away. Life; rock, paper, scissors . . . shoot.