An important part of my job is matching roommates. All of my clients are grown men who aren't keen on sharing space with another grown man from the get-go, so it's very important to make it a bearable experience by trying to match personalities. It can often turn out to be a positive one. But sometimes, it goes downhill very quickly. In this case, I allowed a newer client of mine ("John") to move in with one of my... more problematic clients, at their agreement.
I thought it would work well, but I believe part of why (aside from the problematic client's issues) it turned sour because in many ways they are too similar -- both are very spiritual, both are entrepreneurs (by definition), and both I would consider above-average intelligent, insofar as my clientele go. Cue friction over who is more connected to God and who knows how to run a business better.
Anyway, "John" decided to write it out of his system and share it with me. I asked him if I could share it elsewhere and he was fine with it.
" The Behavior"
First exposure, for me and, probably, others;
subject, hasn't been seen, for several days, anywhere... out, of the blue, the subject, exits, from, that region, of the house, all bundled-up, in a black, winter hoody, shuffling, heavily, no words, looks, somewhat, between a hoodlum or Athlete, walks, to kitchen counter, looks around, for a minute, then, slowly, quietly, retreats, back, into, HIS Room. Next day, he and White are, together, when, I come, into dining room. Briefly, we mention, my previous roommate, who had not yet returned and, then, the Subject, speaks and, invites, me, to be his roommate. I have no negative input or knowledge, of the individual, so, thinking, that is, at least, a seeming, friendly, social situation, I, say, sure.
At move in, find him, behind a desk and high cabinetry, acting and speaking, like an Industry Executive, all-hyped, about HIS BUSINESS, which he has spent two years constructing. He makes like he is or may be communicating, with Business Executive, on Conference, link, with headphone. Actually, interrupts, the nice, quiet, of the room, with the Loud, possibly, faked, conversations, which he, absolutely, ought, to take somewhere else but refuses to or can't, seemingly, in order, to impress, the effect, he is holding a Big Time conversation, as an Entrepreneur, which he seems, like, he means and wants you, to overhear/force, upon you.
Headphones on, and, behind, the Desk and Computer, most, of the day, giving, the impression, to the new roommate, that he is busy, with the Biz. or still constructing it or performing, high-level business, when, most times, he seems, to be playing Fish and Baseball, and, continues, to, loudly, disturb, with, seeming, girlish, giggly, laughter and, something, I can, only, say, sounds, purposefully, contrived, to be demonic or scary laughter, interspersed, intermittently, with actual, yelled outbursts, when his team, scored or made a hit or caught, a fish, which was, daily, chronic and disturbing and, shockingly, frightening, as, there was, never, a warning, when he would erupt. At six PM, I, attempted, first, verbal communication and had to make hand signals, for a minute, before, I was recognized, deemed, possibly, worthy, of conversation or departure, from his more important, pursuits, on the Computer and, removed, earphones, appearing, agitated, he, just said, "Dude, this is my class time, I'm, in a class, usually, at this hour, after, evening, dinner and, I was dismissed, earphones, back on. An hour later, he would be right back, at his two games and the Called out, strange words, like one, actually, at the ballpark or on a boat fishing, somewhere, which, would go on, for hours, up, 'till, generally, 0100 hr's., AM*, at, which time, believe it or not, was his, often time, to eat or fix his Dinner(?). I had attempted and/or gone, to sleep or been, in rough, dozing asleep, for several hours. At 0100 AM, he often, would go, to the kitchen and cook or fix his Dinner(?) meal and, return, to the room, to consume, noisily, rattling, HIS dishes and utensils, awakening me , not seeming, to acknowledge or care that he even had a roommate. Most times he acted, as though he had no roommate and, like you, were his guest, being, present, only, at his invitation.
At dark, he had closed, all outside air, including, the passage window and bathroom, which, I, had, continued, to need, to open, just to breathe and get some cooling. The heat was unbearable, this being Summer. Nights were, always, stinky, sweaty and, the room, smelled, like Cheese. The closed windows, were, his, personal, undiscussed, means, I, subsequently, found, to personally, treat, what, he calls Cellulitis (?) Within, the next two days, he, would, actually, employ, his personal, space heater, (after, I had gone, to bed!).
Never, until, that 5 or 6th day, did I have any knowledge, that he had, possibly, infectious cellulitis and, needed, those, anti-roommate, treatments and, as I said, without shower shoes, and, with my leg boot on, I was scratching, little heat blisters, on that boot foot and, then, felt, very, susceptible, to, infection, by that Vector or in the damp heat, of the room and shower, steaming germs, into the air. Each morning, I would wake, with, dehydration and solid brown mucus, stuck, in my dry throat, which was nearly, choking. I believed, that was due, to the air, in that room. Two hours, each night was, all, I was, ever able, to sleep. My High Blood Pressure was under control, before this and because, of previous occurrences, recently, measuring, my blood pressure, I, know, it elevates, significantly, when, I sleep, poorly.
After, his midnight meal, he would, often, clean, the scraps, into the Toilet, leaving, what looked, like crap, which three days, in a row, I personally, cleaned. Then, it was back, to the games, for another hour or so, until, I awakened, as he entered, his bed and, snored, earth-shakingly and seeming, with, a purposeful, intent, to actually, make, a variety, of noises, at the same time, with the snoring, which, sometimes, sounded, contrived, they were so varied and peculiar, until, finally, a seeming, true level, of real snoring, kicked-in, which, noone, could sleep through, without, deep-seated, ear plugs. That would keep me awake, the remainder, nearly, for the remainder, of the night or until three hours, later, he awakes, to re-assume, the, Executive, Game Playing position, behind, the Computer, where he spends, most time, and, begins, playing and, if your lucky, he often, falls, asleep, in the seat, and, doesn't snore, sitting up.
Day, number four began, middle, of the night, when I was, awakened, by his groanings, from, behind the desk, which caused me, to look, at him and ask, if he was okay and could I do anything, for him? It was, easily, a half minute, before, he said, "My illness has flared up". This was, the first notice, I had, of any active, illness or treatment, he was undergoing.
He was covered, head, to toe, with heavy, bulky, winter Hoodie and clothing and towels, across throat, as though, absolutely, freezing and had, a personal, space heater, turned on, on the floor next to him. This is Summer and the Temp., in the room was easily 90 degrees, Fahrenheit. I was covered, in perspiration. His treatment went on for two or three hours, until he went, for the long term, closed window steam. Several times, I heard, no noise, from the shower, for more than 1/2 hour and, felt, certain, he must have fallen asleep, in there. Again, an overuse, of resources problem and, difficult, for me, a 66 year old, who must, generally, quickly, urinate, after waking. That bathroom had a chronic bad smell, that at first, I thought, must be due, to a past overflow, of the toilet, but after, then seeing, the heavy sweat clothes he keeps, there and, with the steaming, I, now, believe, it is due, to all of his treatments.
At this point, not yet but close, to daybreak, I was forced-out of what little sleep, I was able, to get, by what seemed, on several days, someone, playing, a "knock, knock" game, with real knocks, on the wall, which my bed, was against and other wall knocking noises, doing, whatever, in the directly, adjacent bathroom.
He, almost never came out, from under those earphones, and, similarly, rarely, socialized or ate Community meals, at Proscribed hour or even exited, the room. After, several failed attempts, at real dialogue, I gave up, trying, at all, the last several days, since, he would, either, not, acknowledge, you present or that you wished, to communicate, with him and, if acknowledged, he would grudgingly, with unhidden grimace, show his displeasure, that you had, caused, an interruption, of his Big Business. He would never hear your first statement or question, which was, tiringly, easily, known, seen, revealed and a recognized, elitist, practiced, anti-socialist technique, for dealing with, troubling, lessers, in bothersome, interrupting, dialogue. Anything more than that, he spoke to with, mostly, negativism and sounding, denigrating or from a far Superior Intellect.
The last evening, after, I, finally, was compelled, to address him, with how I felt, about the Door Shoving incident, which opening, nowhere, near or into him, which could have easily, have been handled, with a brief word, his attitudes and general behavior, which I thought, certainly, was a significant mental health issue, especially, coupled, with explosive, unwarranted, unprecipitated, aggressive anger, without any warning. His response was denying, "called, me a liar and told me to go to hell"
If V's can be beautiful
And, I believe, they can be, and, are
Then C's, is the prettiest, I've seen, thus far!