I make a point to read the news, geopolitics, local stuff, scientific discoveries, basically as much as I can to be well informed about the world around me. I understand that a lot of journalism is meant to be inflammatory, but when I look at objective facts like the recent lake michigan oil spill or the documented ecological terror that is fracking, I can't help but hate everything about our civilization. Armies before us have burned cities, fields, salted the earth in their wake, but never before have we been so committed to destroying everything that sustains life. I keep bringing up ecological issues because that's what at the forefront of my mind today, but this anger that I feel, and the depression when I realize I am literally (In the original meaning, not the internet meaning) powerless to stop any of it, and those responsible will likely profit from their abuses, becomes overwhelming.
I know to live as a human is to suffer, and that it is my attachment that causes the pain, but detaching from the world around me and not caring that any of this is going on seems elitist, short minded, and cruel. My heart breaks, and it breaks because I love, and deeply. What do I do? When I've meditated on these things I end up at suicide or full open revolution.