Crap, I thought the "Say-That-Something-Doest-Exist-While-You-Dont-Exist" strat would work. Haha, yeah we're pretty famous for that, what's your favorite one?
EUW here, so my servers are broken every weekend! I'm in promos for Gold 3 again, dropped out because of a massive winning streak, I guess it happens. My IGN name is Doodlee, I love to play ADC, but mostly I just play casual and not serious, altough I love to play ranked because its fun to see your progress, I prefer to do ranked team or full pre normals because its more fun if you know eachoter than getting premade with some frustrating person.
Hahaha, Ohwell, it happens. Just find a duopartner, so you will have somebody that is online at the same times :D
Because I'm saving up for a new laptop, I don't really have alot of spare money to spend on new releases. I usually wait for Steam sales and borrowing/trading games with friends. But for 3 years now, I have been playing League because almost everybody I know plays it and I'm pretty solid at it. It's also a good game to improve on because its fully f2p and you cant improve your skill by buying things. Other games I love to play are Civ 5, I've been so addicted to it lately. It's just so hard to put away. Everything about it is amazing. The quotes after you finish a research, the game mechanics, the indepth playstyle of the AI, etc.. Also on Steam I prefer to play Torchlight II, I was a huge fan of T1 back in the days, and this game is just so much more fun than D3 in my opinion.
I have never seen somebody who could really change the mood of somebody else with your problem.
And for myself, I have no idea how to do that too, but I know your pain.
Honestly, I always believed that not talking or trying to forget about it, is a bad solution. Instead of that I try to talk about it with people that care or have a minute free.
I think this really helps. It's like watching the rain. When its very cloudy, you know it will rain, but you dont know when. That's like not trying to talk about it. You know you will eventually talk about it, but when? With who? Why? For how long? etc..
When it is rainig very quietly, it will take a long time until it stops. Same with trying to talk to somebody who just wont listen or doesn't really care about you. It takes up your time and you don't feel relieved at all.
And then you have the storm. The tsunami's, just everything that has a colossal amount of rain and destruction. This is the talk that actually matters, this is when somebody wants to listen and you actually feel relieved.
Maybe you will have a rainbow after your storm, or maybe you will just keep rainig, or go in a cloudy mood. You can't know for sure. For me, I always went into a cloudy mood but then, something amazingly happens.
No rain.
Just clouds, and the next morning, a perfect clear sky with sun.
So find that person that will carry your storm and embrace your lightning, as far as I know, we only regret the things we didn't do at the end of our life, and not the things we did.
If it can help, you will never feel whole. Because even if you will be whole, you will want to erase that feeling of being whole, wich will make you empty.
I know being young sucks, I'm also still a teen, but hey, this is the time we can actually do shit and get away with it. You should try to make as much use of the world as you can.
And I don't mean "yolo" or something, you can quietly learn a language, learn how to program, do something with your life and nobody will ever know. But then one day, you show off your mad talent and everybody will be impressed. That's when you will feel human and you will feel something. That you actually can do something other people can, that you impressed others for something you worked hard on. But most importantly, you improved yourself and in this world, thats a huge thing. So hey, learn something, explore something, be something and become someone.
We're all still young because the amount of knowledge there is just so much, I will always feel dumb.
Allright, thanks!
I cant believe how many times I heard this quote or a quote that concludes the same outcome, but still, after all those times this quote keeps amazing me. Even taking the smallest of risks can pay off into something huge, its so simple, yet so hard to actually do.what people regret the most as they look back on their lives isn’t what they attempted and failed at, but what they never tried in the first place
Haha, don't need to understand it to be honest. His singing is just amazing. And thanks for your support!