I'm super-duper late on this. But here are a few books I can read over and over again... Lolita, Vladmir Nabokov. So lyrical, funny as hell, and masterfully written. This man influenced me heavily. (The writing part, not the pedophile part.) Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy. Another master at work, and (in my opinion) this is his masterpiece. Some of the most on-point dialogue you'll ever read comes from this man's head. Jarringly violent and told with this sort of neo-biblical voice that only few can pull off. An impressive work that I come back to every now and again. As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner. Another massive influence on me. Honestly, it's hard to pick just one of his novels. I had never read anything like it before. Faulkner's plotting and pacing has always impressed me. I love how he jumps into the mind's of all of these different characters, and each one feels fresh and different. A book packed with meaning and dark humor, one of my all-time favorites.