From the quote in the article, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that Mayor Bloomberg didn't quite understand what was being implemented - it's a body-worn camera, not a "cameraman" and crew following an officer or group of officers around. The angle would be ideally from the officer's perspective, most likely head/shoulder/chest height, and provide more information instead of relying on eyewitness accounts and intended/unintended distortions. I would love to see if this result is replicated through the NY programme; not necessarily as high as 88%, but a solid, overall positive result.Judge Scheindlin cites the experience of a small police department in Rialto, Calif. In the first 12 months of a pilot program there, with half of the department’s 54 uniformed patrol officers wearing cameras, complaints against the police dropped 88 percent compared with the previous 12 months.