You're right of course. I read around the f**k filler for the content and found it more interesting than my friend flagamuffin. I'm more with StJohn. Here's my comments: #5 I will miss the semi-colon. It does seem to be an elitist punctuation mark. I imagine I can live without it. #1 Probably true. After publishing, it's on to the next project. #6 Not sure about the Twitterers -- but there is more and more and more writing going on, and probably more reading too. #8 I find this true and intimidating. The desire is to make them laugh and cry and cry some more and laugh some more. It is really hard to do this. I do it occasionally... and am happy briefly. #9 I agree with this. #10 This is a good reminder. It reflects what Vonnegut wrote, "Make every character want something, even if it is only a glass of water." Still looking for an interesting #todayswritingprompt Lots of inspiration from humanodon and elsewhere. By the way, how's your thesis writing coming?