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Currently the only input is time and user appreciation. That could change.

    If popularity of posts/comments/people determine visibility of content, I strongly believe that this site will, one day, rapidly lose quality in content as low effort content that many people find agreeable and familiar, similar to what has happened on reddit.

If you subscribe primarily to tags, posts could eventually give you a bad experience like you suggest (ignoring some users could help, but eventually it will be a losing battle). A tag is a shared space on Hubski. However, if your content mainly comes by following quality people, you can easily filter your content by the selection of who you follow. I strongly suggest that you follow more people than tags. (It looks like you do). Defnitely unfollow anyone sharing content you don't want.

As for comments, that is a shared space. We have some plans for how we will keep comments from being averaged out by the 'wisdon of the masses'. Some functionality regarding that will roll out soon.