I listened to every Supreme Court oral argument one year. I learned a lot. Quite often the public has no idea what the issues being argued before the court are really about. They have their opinion but it often has no bearing on the reasons a case has come before the court. It's reasonable to be disappointed in a decision but it's also worth while to fine out more about whey things went the way they did. I'm for people listening to a year of arguments but it's often pretty dull work. I think the less power the Feds have to mandate and regulate peoples lives the better but I'm not against that power devolving down to the states. I've lost customers to the vaccine mandate debate, I'm for the mandate and I don't mind telling you that you are an anti-social jackass if you are against it (on a state and local level). My city has fared pretty well during the pandemic with it's mask mandates. I've got a long list of shit that I think would be better regulated on a state level that is interfered with by the feds. I'd like to see these things decided on a local level and I think people in Arkansas would have very different ideals of what to do but would be happier if they could do the same. Almost all that stuff has a costs and benefits that would be weighed differently by communities with diverse values. Two dangers constantly threaten our world, order and disorder.