We had the in-laws over for a three hour discussion about their horrible daughter. It was basically "we aren't going to hunker down so you can preserve your neutrality any longer" which basically led to we will tell her to call you so that we don't have to take any position." That phone call was this morning and was basically two hours of "gaslight gaslight false equivalency disappointment." My wife, of course, keeps her receipts so the email directly contradicting everything her sister lied about for two and a half hours was forwarded without comment. It's fucking exhausting. On the plus side, I had a conversation with my father about radioactive waste (a friend has a pad printer that was used for rrrrrrrrrrrrrrradium and she's wondering if she needs to worry). While we didn't discuss my father's collection we did have an interesting discussion about a friend of his who ended up in possession of his father's collection, which included a mason jar of yellowcake. Said friend asked my father what to do with this... curio. "Yeah, what did you tell him?" I asked. "I told him to wait until a dark moonless night and then dump it from the bridge into the Rio Grande," he said. "Yellowcake is natural and in the river it'll dissipate enough that nobody will be hurt by it." So there you go, son. When I die, throw my plutonium in the river. The fuck do you do with that.