By the way Calculated from here and here, peak shittiness at 3:32PM monday was a WGBT of 100 F in the sun and 87F in the shade in your neighborhood. You have me beat with 95 and 86 (I measured a peak of 108.1). It's a pretty gnarly calculation. Your average bullshit Costco "internet" thermometer has a temperature and a pressure gauge. I've got the real McCoy because I've been an old man for fifteen years at least and mine has a properly sited temperature gage, an anemometer, a pressure gage and a rain gage. If I wanted to be able to calculate WGBT I get to add a $200 solar radiation sensor to my $700 gadget. And I mean I'll do it. But not even any of the software packages I've used (and I've used five of them) will give you WBGT.It was 113 here two days ago. I can't seem to find the WBGT (wet bulb global temp) for the last three days here in Seattle