I'm chuckling at the way this article is written. And stranded in Egypt. what a headache. Who can come up with a relatable animal simile form me for 2,000 blue whales? Or at least better than my pathetic 66,000 elephants. These are the 4 items the author chose to represent the mind-blowing product diversity onboard. OK then. Although managed by a German company, the Ever Given’s Japanese owners, Shoei Kisen Kaisha, have leased the ship to Taiwanese firm Evergreen. Insured by a British broker, run by an Indian crew, it flies the flag of tax haven Panama.
Fully loaded, it’s as heavy as 2,000 blue whales.
NAME A PRODUCT and it’s probably on the Ever Given. Its 18,300 containers hold everything from IKEA furniture to dildos, from microchips to pillow cases.