This will be general and vague, which isn’t conducive to receiving advice... but an outlet of any sort is appreciated - so thanks, pubs. Tested for Covid 3 times before deciding to stay with family from Thanksgiving to next weekend. It’s been needed, though not a panacea for the undercurrent of stress from work and life driving me to be more insecure than pre-covid. It’s not a good look. Exercise helps as always, but the fact that I’m all hot and bothered for any stretch of time without it is enough of a signal I should make a change. What’s frustrating is an un-answered question of “Would this be alleviated if life was back to normal?” - even more frustrating is the small voice saying it wouldn’t. LittleBits I’ve been up to: - Picked up Dune for my night-time wind down. Fiction is a welcome segue back into reading... will hop back on the horse of non-fiction after (index funds, compound interest and my future, oh my ) - Investing a tad in BTC and a little less so in ETH as a precursor to understanding what I can expect from a stock exchange.