This is something I have struggled with consistently for about two decades. There was a lot of Gen X and grunge influence in my early adolescence, which left me with some rather bad ideas equating irony and detachment with authenticity and coolness. This attitude affected my politics. I was an empathetic young person and spent a lot of time working for social causes. The more I tried to help, and the more I saw how awful things around America really were, I grew to hate those in power and their supporters. Then there was George Bush and the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. I have never really recovered from watching people cheer that on. It left a deep scar of pessimism in me. For example, I consider Trump's presidency a natural result of American ideals rather than some aberration. But the younger millenials and generation z seem to, on average, have much healthier and positive ideas about what is cool, including sincerity and caring about others. It is inspiring and gives me hope. Maybe I can even find some small ways to help out again.