Get hyped weebski! This is not in-depth enough to warrant a post, imo. Leaving it here. [Non-Spoiler-y] An anime adaptation for Tower of God is releasing April 1st, 2020. Tower of God is a Korean webtoon with a setting not unlike Sword Art Online season 1, yet there is fleshed out strategy and political intrigue amidst a smattering of developed character backgrounds (and unromantic subplot). People new to the story can expect action and mystery to driven plot progression. Personally, I fell for the manhwa (we korean now, bois) since it was one of the few online graphic novels with coloring, but also was smart playing around its consistent use of a vibrant palette. Re: Zero Season 2 is coming sometime in July. Trailer for the first season: Re: Zero is very graphic. It's a psychological thriller with a romantic (sorta?) drive. The main character is 'transported to another world' (and kicked off a few years of these shows). The linchpin is similar to Tom Hanks' "Groundhog Day," except in a fantasy land with magic. The rules of magic aren't too important, but fun ways to spice up the action. The "Groundhog Day" aspect of the story explores how the main character copes with severe traumas that affect him in one "life" or timeline when he has to re-live the events that led up to said trauma. It's NEVER a feel-good resolution regarding how he moves forward, but he does... and the soundtrack is dope.