Fully settled into my summer routine. Gymnastics training (16 hours a week), gymnastics coaching (25-30), and studying coding (4-10). Free time split between seeing friends and reading. Not bad. My birthday is Sunday (twenty-eight!). This weekend I'm having a birthday party at my gymnastics facility, where about 20 of my friends and family will come and I'll coach them gymnastics. It's also partly an elaborate ruse to show off my progress. Because, who knew, practicing four hours a day four times a week means you get marginally better at things. I've also been not-drinking. Weekends come and go, spent merrily reading or staying up a little bit late talking to roommates, and I've--happily--not been feeling the temptation to join the teeming throngs at the bars. While I'm optimistic about Lambda School and what I'll learn, I'm still concerned of the nuts-and-bolts logistics of the nine-month term. My runway is small. I've managed to reduce expenses pretty reliably, but it's the unpredictable expenses that get ya. I'm probably going to stay in my basement and rent out my bedroom because that's just too much money cushion to turn down. I really don't mind staying in my basement. Plus the girl I'll most likely be seeing doesn't mind either so ::shrug:: who am I trying to impress?