I graduate college in *checks* seven weeks. Holy shit balls. In one week I go to Daytona Beach, FL for gymnastics nationals. In June I officiate my two best friends' wedding. Just heard back from Thread, a organization that connects four residents of Baltimore to a young high school student in Baltimore. The group supports one another. The commitment is ten years. It sounds like a great idea so far, so I'm going through with it. Will do an orientation and get matched with a "family" in a few weeks. I want to plant a proper tree at the corner of my block. Right now there's a sapling serviceberry tree and some rose bushes. The bushes trap trash--I'm in a marginal neighborhood where people don't give a fuck, and I've seen people toss their stuff right then and there. And the serviceberry tree is just the lamest, most stunted sapling I've ever seen. I don't want to ask permission from the city: I wanna buy a London pine that'll grow into something massive. I think it would look so cool.