Cheers, the titles thus far make it sound like Switch is what Nintendo's been waiting for to bust out great games all at once - Breath of the Wild to start and SSB Ultimate + 'the' Mario Party on the way (expecting them to be big, at least). Aww yiss. Looking forward to seeing how Ultimate matches up to Melee. The fact that the Gamecube controllers will be compatible still feels like nostalgia factoring into - though I'd love to attribute it to Melee being a great game overall. Rather than the later controllers being a tad less intuitive. 4 Man brawls are a good time, I have similar memories with my brothers. Heh. The Jigglypuff has her sleep/rest for down B attack; Kirby turns to stone. ;DHonestly I'm just excited to own a Smash Bros game for the first time! Switch is the first Nintendo I've ever had.