This got my dander up. I don't have children. Many people do. Self defense in the case of someone with dependents is more than just self defense, it is the defense of one's ability to provide and care for one's children. It is the defense of that person's relationship to their loved ones. I spit on the specious notion that it is somehow morally virtuous to allow oneself to be murdered in a hot rage by a lunatic who attempted murder because of road rage. The attacker proved that he didn't value his own life and safety when he decided to engage in violence. This woman did the right thing. I mourn the damage done to her psyche and all the potential good that the attacker might have gone on to do if he had just decided to let it go. Edit* You're a person of faith. Whatever God exists put this whole situation together and left this woman alone to make her decision. Meditate on that.Self defense is literally base because it involves our instinctual will to live and avoid harm.