Since the watches aren't your own maintenance and insurance would be profit areas not cost areas. The basic service would have a really low cost maybe even a loss leader but all the add ons are where the money is made. Want to just rent out the watch to whoever? 5-10% fee to collect the money. Then the rentee can specify a bunch of additional where you earn most of your money: Want inspection on send out and on return? $10 & Shipping Is there damage? If you find damage or defect then you quote them a repair bill, they are likely to accept and use your repair service, maybe even mandated. Want insurance? Extra Fee + Verification of Renters insurance policy Want to require cleaning on return? $20 Strap adjustment for renter? $10 So you might earn $3-5 a month on the rental itself but you would earn way more on the extras. Thats really were the money is in this model. Hire some high-school/community college kids to clean the watches and do basic low skill work and do the repairs and expensive stuff yourself.