I suppose that’s true for an emergency. I had to go in for a minor prdocedure that required very light sedation and they weren’t going to do it unless I showed up with the person driving me home who had signed a piece of paper. When my sister got her wisdom teeth taken out it was the same thing, I had to hang around until it was done because they drugged her up good. I always wondered how it would work if you had nobody, like yea you could just leave but how do you get past the start ? Borrow a cashier from the drugstore and pay them to say they’re driving you home when you check in ? I would still get nervous if it was an emergency so they didn’t get confirmation at the start that I had a ride and somebody in authority was telling me I couldn’t take a cab though. That’s the one that bugged me, yes some tests make sense but some are ridiculous. I don’t need to make sure my hairdresser is licensed, I just find one I like by word of mouth and stick with them. When I wanted to do housekeeping at one of the camps in the oil fields I had to take a bunch of online tests that cost me around $150 before they even gave me an interview. I don’t mind spending that kind of money if I’m already offered the job but I definitely wasn’t going for this job because I was already doing well financially. It was some general tests that weren’t relevant at all to the position I was applying for and clearly a money grab since they could have just had me take them after giving me a conditional job offer like they do with WHIMIS. Not as expensive as the other ridiculous/pointless tests but still a barrier to someone who might be saving every penny just for the plane/bus ticket to get out of their town with little opportunity.